The Fool – Merkstave

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Merkstave – The Fool

Here is my interpretation of The Fool Reversed.
The main premise of this image is based on Plato’s ‘three men in a cave’ analogy. There are many differing versions of this, depending on which philosopher is telling it.

In this case, I will just generalise, unless referring to a particular perspective.

I believe this is the perfect analogy for our Fool, as The Fool Reversed is someone incapable of realising or walking their own path or awakening from the material prison they are stuck in.
The Analogy:
Three men are chained to a cave. The cave is dark, and they are unable to see properly. There is light from a fire illuminating the cave. The shadows cast from the flames are the only reality the men know. The men are also imprisoned from fear. As the story progresses, one of the men manages to break free from his chains and escapes the prison. He experiences the world and goes back to enlighten the others.


In this image the fools are not only unable to see, there are bags over their heads. These bags are bound. Both are easily removed if the fool wishes. The central fool has one free hand that also happens to be holding the key to the lock of her own chains. Everything about the imprisonment of these people is of their own choice. She is choosing to stay imprisoned. This is voluntary slavery.
They are blind. Wantonly.
One of the first aspects of the shadow self is that the conscious mind will not be able to see the darker aspects of oneself. Usually, even if a person can see, they would rather not… They bury their heads in the sand, like our ostrich friend over to the right.
Someone could be keeping you blind with lies or lack of education. You may not be aware of a situation that is happening around you due to lack of understanding. One must strive to learn about the environment you are in, instead of relying on others.
– How can one expect to better themselves if they won’t identify what’s wrong with them?
– How can someone better themselves if they are oblivious to anything being wrong?
– How can society change, if the bulk of society think that what is wrong is normal or acceptable?

Chained to Earth

These fools have chained themselves to the pillars of rock in the cave. The rock being Earth. Earth now becomes the symbol of our Reversed Fool image, as when you flip air upside down it becomes Earth. Earth is the material. These fools are binding themselves to the material. Many of us do. We go to work to raise money, to buy material possessions. Our want of material possessions and the need to upgrade these possessions to ‘keep up with the jones’s’ usually incurs debt. This results in more work to pay off debt, to obtain more material possessions. Before you know it, you are stuck in an endless cycle of ‘voluntary slavery’ and you ask yourself:
– Why is it, no matter how much I obtain, I am never happy?’
– Why is it that once I obtain what I wanted, I feel empty?
It is honestly the cup that never fills scenario. For some reason it is the hardest truth for us to realise.
Material possessions never make us satisfied.
The chains also represent burdens or excuses. Of course, you can’t change, help or resist. Look at my situation. I am but a helpless product of my environment, I had no choice!
So many people say, ‘I would if I could but…’ and the excuses flow ever after.
Ask yourself: Is this an actual reason to not change, or am I making up excuses?

Over behind the ostrich, the mouth of the cave is beaming bright with light.
This light represents possibilities. Spirituality, the path, a new life or whatever it is that The Fool needs to awaken to… Like in the allegory, the light is so bright it hurts their eyes and so they fear it.
Many people have that chance to truly change their lives. Spin fate around and have a better existence.  But because of self-doubt, bad habits, bad influence or just plain old fear, they let that moment pass right through their fingers. This of course breeds regret, anxiety, depression and a host of other emotions that only persist on loading more chains around that pillar.
Quite often we are thinking to ourselves: “I know I want change, why am I afraid to make it happen?”
Complacency is one reason. Change means changing your habits, rocking the boat. Is it better to be a lifeboat on a boat that’s sinking or a barnacle?
Fear of upsetting someone is another big one, no one wants to be burnt by the fire that warms you. Fire is essential to human survival. If your survival depends on another, you can’t possibly bite the hand that feeds you… This in and of itself is an unhealthy relationship. Change may be good for you.
In the allegory, the flames set shadows on the wall, the men don’t realise the shadows are themselves. They can only see the projection on the wall which they fear. This has a two-fold representation; that of the shadow self and that of influence.

Shadow self: You project your fear onto others, your shadow onto others. In seeing it on the other, you fear or hate that person due to that what you recognise in yourself.

Influence: Often when that moment of change comes, even if you are brave enough to make the change others around you may not allow you to, they cast shadows of doubt for you to be afraid of.
Others may manipulate you due to your weakness or naivete. Put up every type of resistance possible to stop you. I’m sure everyone has had a parent that has thwarted your every move. A possessive friend/partner even.

Strewn over the floor are the possessions of the fools. Among them you can see the cup, this is tipped over so can never fill; the wand/staff, this is broken and out of reach so is of no need to The Fool; the rock, this is all encompassing; and the sword.
The absence of coins in the box reveals the fact that the material wealth is an apparition. Like Schrödinger’s cat, it is either in the box or not in the box depending on how one views it. We the viewer are the only ones in the cave that can see the box. It is empty. We can see that it, like all the material in the cave, has no worth. The Blind Fools cling to the belief that the box is full of wealth even though there is nothing of value in it at all.

The sword plunged into the back of the third man relates to an interpretation of the allegory where one of the men escapes. Enlightened by his experiences of the outside world, the man comes back to help the others. But when he enters the cave, it’s so dark his eyes don’t adjust to the difference. The others in the cave take this as a bad omen; that the outside is no place for them and will kill all that try to take them out there. So, in this image they kill the third man.
-How often has someone tried to help you and you’ve pushed them away?
-Even maliciously separated yourself from them?
Sometimes we are that stubborn and stuck that we would rather keep digging than grab an outstretched hand. The level of self-hate is very high when this is happening.

The tools are there to be used, but the fools have no idea that they are tools of use, let alone that they could be used to help them. Quite often the things we need to solve a problem are right there in front of us. Good things are in reach, yet because of our naivete or blindness, we never acknowledge they are there.

In the foreground, is an altar-like circle filled with lotus plants. This is in reference to the Lotus eaters or lotophages. They were a race of people Odysseus came across in Greek mythology. The Blue Lotus was the main diet of these people. The lotus was a narcotic that made the people sleep in apathy. The fruit was called the ‘fruit of forgetfulness’. Those who ate it, were happy to waste their life away. A large reason for why things are they way they are in the world is due to apathy. The Fool would rather sit back and do nothing than get up and stand for something. A good example of this is when people refuse to vote. They want change but for whatever reason don’t think they have a voice, so don’t vote and then are disappointed that their party didn’t get in. Another better example of this are the people who are dissatisfied with life, so they choose to opt out by inebriating themselves with one substance or another. Why do something when you can get wasted instead? Leave it for someone else to sort out. Slowly but surely time passes by and the situation has worsened and the need for inebriation is amplified. Yet another never-ending cycle to be bound by.
Pretty soon the narcotic becomes the only path The Fool knows and cannot escape it.

Wunjo: Merkstave:

The past blocks you from moving forward and brings sorrow, melancholy, blind anger and rage. Will the crisis rejuvenate or destroy you, deplete you? Insanity, negativity, weakness.  Allowing yourself to be filled with blind rage and frustration – breathe – reflect. Remove the sack from your head and let yourself see what is actually happening. Allowing yourself to get blind drunk due to sorrow – what troubles befall you from this behaviour?  People manipulating you with your current state or mindset.

In the back end of the cave, receding into the darkness, faces of monsters appear. This highlights the dangers of digging into your subconscious. Walking alone in the dark with the inability to see what’s there is never recommended. This can be naively, carelessly walking into a dangerous situation or simply digging up suppressed memories from your own mind. Things that hurt you can be painful to deal with. If you do have something that is troubling you, it’s imperative that you talk about it. Often when you can’t see, you think you are all alone. Someone could be willing to help, and you just haven’t given them the opportunity.


Blind, apathetic, lazy, lost, lethargic, un-eager, stubborn, negative, complacent, careless, naïve, un-educated, impulsive, foolishness, rashness, fear, ignorance is bliss, starting but never finishing.

Accept that you are The Fool. You don’t have all the answers. You have only just begun. You are pulling your head out of the sand for the first time, your eyes are sore from the light of a new perspective. Be brave on your new journey. Have a confidant that you can talk to about issues that come up. Realise that you are the god of your own universe, free to choose the reality your life takes form in.
As The Fool, you need to take action and lift the veil of ignorance from your own eyes. Ignorance is not bliss because only misfortune can come from naivete. Take control of your own reality. Ask questions! Is this how things are or should be? Does this make me happy?  What do I want my life to be like?
Realise YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! You may not be able to control what fate throws at you, but you can decide how you will respond to these experiences. Stand up for yourself, because 9 times out of 10, no one else will.
Look at change as an exciting new chapter in your life rather than a burden or crisis that will bring sorrow. Change always happens for a reason. Find the lesson you may need to learn from this event, choose to turn it into a positive, instead of letting it chain you down.

Accept that if things are not going well for you, others may notice; let go of your pride and allow them to help you. Your mis-trust could stem from embarrassment rather than their malevolence.

As The Fool, keep an open mind. Possibilities are now open to you. Know that the world is there for you instead of the confinement and limits of the cave. Learn, learn, learn. The more you learn the more tools and opportunities will become available to you.

Most importantly don’t be afraid. The very fact that you are looking into this must mean you are ready for change. Something deep inside you yearns for it! It is exciting, but it is still a challenge. A rewarding one.  Be brave, stand up, leave the cave and explore!

Purchase this image to colour on Etsy


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