The latest music that has turned my propeller!

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A lot of exciting music happening at present.
The one that really has me dying to get to a record store is the new Gojira album ‘Magma

Been waiting a while for these guys to put out an album… I’m just ever so slightly obsessive about this band.

I was a little worried at first, as a few friends had not been so vocal about their adoration, but I’m happy to report I was not disappointed!

Honestly, how can you not like that?
Yes, very excited!

Moving on, Bfm has given me a new album to have on repeat, the new one from Mogwai ‘Atomic

This is great for the making of art, deep contemplation and relaxing as well. This album is great for a start to finish listen, which I prefer in any case. Really hypnotic and moving.

Not out yet but also got me salivating at the thought of hearing it is the upcoming Opeth album ‘Sorceress’. These guys have been dishing out brilliant albums for ages and their latest effort should be no less than inspirational.
They gave a tiny snippet of sound for a teaser… cheeky buggers haha

Of course there is the new Black Mountain album that has just come out. They are also playing here in NZ in September, which is very exciting. Hopefully I actually manage to get along to this one. Normally I inundate myself with obligations and can’t, so fingers crossed.
Love this new video, totally psychedelically symbolic, very reminiscent of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s ‘The Holy Mountain’ mixed with Socrates cave story…or whichever interpretation of it fits well with you.  That in itself is not surprising really, but still, interesting.
Also quite possibly directed by the Mighty Boosh hahaha

Better stop there or I’ll just keep on going… ;p




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