Nature and Symbology

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The Mind
The Mind, ©Simonripleyart 2016


Last year, an illness forced me to be housebound and rest.
I watched documentaries when I was feeling up to it. At first David Attenborough was my screen companion. Many of his episodes demonstrated reproduction was the key component to existence. Protecting the female was essential, by default making her the most important being in the lineage of a species.
One documentary that really made this point noticeable (not an Attenborough) was about the Mapogo lions, Brothers in Blood: The Lions of Sabi Sand.
Bizarrely, this highlighted the point even though the lions rejected this principle.
I was watching this with others present.
The lions were particularly blood thirsty, responsible for wiping out a large part of the lion population in that area of South Africa. We all know that when lions invade a pride, they will kill the babies of the previous male. But what made these lions seem psychopathic was that they killed the females as well.
This is very abnormal. A comment was made by someone present that it was odd and resembled human behaviour…
Obviously, in terms of criminal behaviour, times of war or domestic abuse.
I’ll talk about this more later. My point is, it made everyone feel uncomfortable and realise how ‘not right’ it was watching this, especially after watching a majority of animal doco’s that showed the complete opposite.
Why is it Humans don’t follow nature’s example?


In the same week, I watched a documentary about DNA testing (in relation to archaeology). The geneticist, while explaining the process, divided the gene into ‘3’ stages.
The Core of the gene – Nucleus, defines us as an animal – what we are.
The Mitochondrial DNA – passed down from female lineage only (sometimes known as the eve gene) – defines you as a person.
The NuDNA – (previously called Junk DNA) – the trimmings, extras, also coincidentally the only part male DNA has any influence on.
Again this emphasised the importance of the female’s role on the species as a whole.
I also learned that a cell is itself a miniature little body, with a brain, organs etc. but will talk about this later.

Another one I watched shortly after was a doco about the brain, again divided into three.
Old brain, reptilian brain, fight or flight
Limbic system, in this case represented by the female, is the emotional core
Neo cortex, in this case represented by the male, analytical thought. Cognition.
Actually throughout the week the theme of male/female left brain/right brain perspective was a reoccurring one.
It did however echo the themes from above.
In fact I’d go as far as to say that nearly everything I watched, one way or another, came back to 3, female importance and natural occurrence in nature.
Especially in religious/occult viewing.
In this subject they seem to be desperately trying to communicate the idea of ‘as above so below’ , the powerful connection to the number and symbol of ’3’ and the importance of the female.
I couldn’t help but see connections.
Space discoveries showing the universe acting like a giant brain. Our brain working the way it does with electricity. And then again, within ourselves, the cells acting in the same way.
Every single religion from old to current, occult to mainstream, deafening you with the symbology of 3, a triad or a trinity is always present : mind/body/spirit, father/mother/son, art/science/religion, past/present/future, mother earth as the triple goddess, the three furies… and so on…
Also the importance of the Goddess, up and until monotheistic religions.
Why the total flip of the latter in monotheistic religions?

Coincidentally, after pondering this question, I just happened to re-watch ‘Mists of Avalon’ and instantly thought of the film ‘Agora.’
Needless to say, my views and interests fell into line and have not changed since.
Mainstream religion has barred women and nature from the proper respect and emphasis they are supposed to have in our everyday lives.
Even science, to a degree, is still plagued by the institutionalised ideas and value systems of these male dogmatic control ideologies.

In short this is why my art and ideas have changed so much in the last year.
I’ve gravitated towards, the pagan, the esoteric and nature based interests in general.
It is pouring into my art and changing me as a person.
As Einstein said: ‘Look deep into Nature and you will understand everything better.’



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