The first of many music posts

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More often than not, I’m bound to impulsively put up a post about music.
I can’t help it.
It is the cornerstone of all I do. I base most of my day, knowledge and time around the listening to and channeling of ideas brought on by music. There are pivotal albums responsible for favourite art pieces. There are particular songs that have opened flood gates of ideas.
There are bands that help keep me sane through the trappings of a normal everyday life…
There are just tracks that catch me off guard and I feel the need to tell someone about them.

As anyone that knows me will be familiar with, I talk a lot about music and it’s relation to my art, or art in general. I love getting CD’s and Vinyl and listening to them, while absorbing the artwork on the sleeves or jackets simultaneously, as one singular experience. This digital age has somewhat stifled this experience for many, but for myself, never the twain shall part.
So enough prattling on, let’s crack into it!
Today I heard the coolest track, William Shatner’s ‘I Can’t Get Behind That’ featuring Henry Rollins.
This was not only great Jazz but as you would expect from these two guys, witty and funny. Really made me stop, listen and laugh.
One of the hosts played this song (she had picked it out especially) on Bfm. -Loved it!




Probably one of the most significant influences on my day would be 95Bfm, this station keeps me informed about what’s happening in the world on a day-to-day basis; I would probably have to say that Bfm has been the main influence of my music taste long term, and lately, they have just given me my new obsession ‘U.S. Girls’, which has become stuck on permanent play when doing my art, dishes and everything else..




So if you don’t already listen, and you want something fun and different, I recommend listening.

Other music that is constantly on repeat while ‘arting’ is Fever Ray’s ‘Fever Ray’ album. Those of you obsessed with the show ‘Vikings’ will recognise one of the songs as the theme song that kicks off all the action. But honestly, this band is the best for getting creative with!
The music has this ‘old world’ feel to it that you can lose yourself in, which makes it a perfect accompaniment to creative pursuits.




Also, one more album that I am completely devoted to when getting creative (and playing Mah Jong) is this gem – the ‘Only Lovers Left Alive’ soundtrack. This album is perfect! It’s not only a Jim Jarmusch film but features his own music from his band ‘Sqürl’ collaborating with Jozef van Wissem as well. Totally hypnotic. To be honest, if you like this you should definitely give Sqürl a go as well.
I love soundscape, ambient, distortion filled music to work to, it’s like an alternative type of meditation music. Although if I decide
Sun o))) is my flavor for the day, others prefer me to have headphones on… don’t know why 😉


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