The Journey Begins

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Cy painting copy




So, welcome, welcome to my humble abode…

I’m Si, also known as Cy, Simons, Cythe, Simonizer and Simon (when I’m in trouble!).
Like all art, this blog is kind of introspective. A chronicle of influences. So in a sense you’ll get to know me, while I’m getting to know myself…

In this space, I’ll share with you subjects that interest me, new bits and pieces, thoughts and events.

You’ve joined me right on the cusp of an evolutionary change in my artwork. Previously, I was focused on the idea of beauty in suffering…bleak, I know.
Now, however, instead of being obsessed with one extreme aspect, I am exploring the polarisation of the whole. This is all new ground for me. Maybe my exploration will encourage your own journey.

Some of the subjects I’m thinking of including are:

The things I’m influenced by and the conclusions I draw from them,
Kids stuff… I know, as odd as this may seem, For the first time, I’ve been toying with child-friendly art, due in no small part to my three sons. I guess we’ll see if this becomes anything interesting or not.
I  can also include trade finishes. Quite often I’m asked advice on how to achieve special finishes for furniture and the like. So I’ll share some of my techniques here with you. Of course there will be the regulars – music,art and other things that I like or find that I may want to share with you, also.

Another reason that this is such a big event in my universe, is that for the past two years I have almost been a Luddite Hermit, recluse. It feels so strange, not only to reintroduce myself to the world of the internet, but to have a blog where I’m openly sharing my thoughts with the masses. Weird man… weird!

I hope you enjoy my new habitual experiments.



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